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Mock shoot and detailed story

Now for our Practice shoot we had decided to recreate a music video known 'Love to lose' by Sandro Cavazza and Georgia Kuon on youtube. We thought to create the same way as they did. For this we had certain challenges specially related to lights and camera movements. In the picture below you can clearly see how they created a divide in the background to make the video clearly vibrant and attractive to the audience. The camera movement was also very brilliant work done by the lads out there. It was clearly an inspiration for us.

As I described earlier the main challenge for us was the lightning. For this we searched our homes looked everywhere around to find the best lights that could fit in our project. I came up with an LED portable tub light and one of my other team mate came up with a bulb that could fit in the top of the main table. But those all lights were white and we needed a colorful background as in the video. So we invested some money and bought colorful glitter sheets. We wrapped them around the lights and here we go, we got what we wanted.

Our Practice shoot went pretty well. There were a lot of challenges that we faced though. From those challenges we also learned a lot. If I talk about myself, it was my first experience to cover up such a shoot and I also got to know how the things go in a right way. We also made some flaws which were about to destroy everything but in the end we managed to deal with them.

Now if I talk about all of my crew members including the actors, it was really difficult to get them all on one page. Everyone had mixed opinions regarding the set designing, camera shots and lighting effects. The Actors were sometimes reluctant towards the shoot when the had classes in the campus. As we were shooting inside the campus starting from early in the morning, the availability of same time slot for everyone was difficult. In the end we started calling everyone in the days where they had day offs from campus. I realized one thing that when you come out of your comfort zone only then you can achieve something in life.

Now as our music video required some extra and vibrant lights according to our inspirational music video, arrangements of those lights was another major setback for us, specially for me because this was an entirely new shoot for me. Well I had some friends already working in this field so I used the smart approach and borrowed some lights from them for a little bit of time. This event made me think that you can also sometimes utilize your sources such as friends and people around you.

Few days we had to be available for shoot for almost a whole day in order to complete it. I personally missed some of my sleeps as I had to submit my work before the deadline. This thought use to traumatize me at such times. And the fact that you are still behind and haven't achieved anything yet is the worst feeling of all time. Anyways I just didn't let my guard down and focused on the work even if I am sick or having nightmares. I use to motivate my team members as well that we can do this no need to fear. This was my first shoot and I was pretty nervous in the starting but when that nervousness turned into confidence, I didn't even noticed the time period.

I am uploading some behind the scenes take a look at them. The Actors performed pretty well. The overall Shoot was great.


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