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Props list with description and why

For our video we needed a completely furnished room which unfortunately we could get

so we had to arrange everything that a normal bedroom would have from bed to frames we had to give it a little cozy look so it would look like a real room. we found most of the things around our own houses and some of the furniture we borrowed from our college and we had to purchase a few frames and bed sheets to complete the look.

we used the snow sprays to give the snow effect in the video

Prop List

  1. bed

  2. bed sheets

  3. side tables

  4. curtains

  5. lamp

  6. frames

  7. bookshelf

  8. sofas

  9. coffee table

  10. pillows

  11. study table

  12. chairs

  13. snow sprays

  14. tooth brushes

  15. chess board


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