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Risk analysis

shooting a music video is no piece of cake there were a lot of obstacles that we had to face to get our final result perfect

a. Casting wise

choosing perfect actors was difficult who could show the perfect expressions and attitude that we needed after finalizing the actors the biggest problem was that they had their mid term examinations going on and regular lectures. on our pre production and production day 1 they weren't able to give us time we would shoot for an hour and then one of them had to go back to class which made shooting really difficult. so we had to force them to bunk classes on the final production days. we also had issues deciding their payment for the shoot they were doing for us they asked for 6000 each but we convinced them to 4000 each

b. Locations wise

we didn't face much problem with our location as we already had in mind that we would should it in school in a classroom the only problem we faces was in furnishing it was getting a bed and furniture up there it was difficult to find furniture in the first place and then taking it up to the third floor was pretty hard exercise

c. Equipment wise

d. Weather wise

we shot it mid November so we didn't have much problem with the weather but it got a little suffocating being in a room for whole day and we couldn't on any fans or ac as we didn't wanna ruin the audio of our video


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