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Understanding my role

while producing a music video every member of the team has an important role to play to get a good result if everything is done on time and in an organized manner. there are different roles such as direction, cinematography, casting, logistics, make up and but not the least editing. i have a team of 4 and my role was to direct the music video and also take care of the props and casting. The director is typically the most involved person on and off set. They assist with assembling the right crew to get the job done. They make adjustments to the script to keep the video on budget and on time. They oversee all parts of the production. directing can be a tough job as I have to take care of even the tiniest of problems in the shoot. it takes a lot planning to plan every little step of the shoot and keep everyone in the loop while shooting and make sure no clips are missed and everyone is going on track


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